This March one of our real families the Assombalonga’s and one of our real couples Ritamaria and Bernard were booked through Dependable Productions for the Royal Society Protection of Birds (RSPB).

They were photographed in different scenarios around the Minsmere Nature Reserve including action shots of the models experiencing varying habitats such as the beach and woodland areas. The models had to portray the emotion a visitor would feel at the reserve such as excitement to be among wildlife, enjoyment being with loved ones and comfort in nature.

This was the Assombalonga’s first booking with TTM and they did an amazing job at portraying the Nature Reserve in the best way.

Accompanying them on this shoot was real couple, Ritamaria and Bernard who had the same responsibilities as the Assombalonga family. They had to engage the audience and portray how fun being at the Nature Reserve can be.

The RSPB mentioned that they struggle with having images that portray the connection with nature within the theme of their image library. This is what they needed our talent to convey and to showcase the visitor’s experience.

As seen in the images below our models portrayed that perfectly by inserting themselves into nature and conveying real family connections.

When Dependable Productions shared the images with us they said that the RSPB were ”delighted with the results!” and our talent were all pleased with how their shoot days went.

To book a real family or a real couple for your next shoot please email for any enquiries.

Alternatively, take a look at the vast range of real families here and real couples here.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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