Our newest real family the Douglas family secured a booking in April with popular Cramlington shopping centre, Manor Walks.

Just having joined TTM Management at the end of March bookings have come in quick for the Douglas family!

The couple’s task was to make shopping at Manor Walks look easy, joyful and relaxing and they certainly did that.

What was even more special about this shoot was that it was Louise Douglas’ first professional shoot. You definitely can’t tell!

Take a look at more photos below:

The shoot went great, both were professional and down to earth which made for a really lovely day. Lou did brill for her first ever shoot, I’m sure they’ll be a great asset to the agency.

- Manor Walks

Full of smiles and laughter the Douglas family really illustrated how important natural connection was to drive Manor Walks’ message.

If you’re looking to book a real couple or real family for your next campaign take a look at them from the links below:

TTM’s Real Couples 

TTM’s Real Families

Alternatively, let us match the models to your mission and email us on bookings@ttmmanagement.co.uk so we can provide a model shortlist for you.

Or, give us a call to tell us about your project- +44 (0)191 237 3400

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