Have you ever thought you were too old to start modelling? Today’s Model in Depth focuses on 47 year-old Andy Morley who is hanging up his tools to go in front of the camera. Read all about our new face, we are sure you will be seeing a lot more of him…

What made you go into modelling from building?

After nearly 30 years in the building industry the wear and tear on my body led me to having back surgery at the end of last year, with rods and bolts and replacement discs inserted.

Foolishly I anticipated being able to carry on as normal, but physically and mentally I found this increasingly difficult.

So I changed my mind set and looked at this as an opportunity to try something completely different. I know that my core values haven’t changed like hard work, commitment and resilience, so I’m hoping this will help me in this new industry.

Astrological sign 

I’m a Pisces and would definitely say I have a lot of the traits like helping others and usually having a really good intuition for people and situations.

If you had to watch a Movie over and over, which would it be?

If I had to watch it over and over it would be ‘Don’t mess with the Zohan’. It has comedy, humour, action, romance and is escapism.

When you were a Kid, you wanted to be:

A professional goalkeeper, I got quite close but probably fell short by a couple of inches!

In five years’ time?

I hope to be well established in modelling but more importantly enjoying the journey and still being optimistic about the future.

Celebrity Crush:

Eva Mendes, such a good looking woman who appears to have a good sense of fun.

Coffee or Tea:

Quality coffee any day!

If you could travel anywhere in the world?

That’s a hard one, there are so many fascinating places. For me it’s all about the people in your company that make the places extra special.

Your dream brand to model for:

Rolex would be amazing!