Valentine’s Day is the day of celebrating relationships and in the world of modelling relationships are key!

Real couple Charlie and Adam

In our industry there are a lot of relationships to consider:
The bond between the agency and the model to encourage good communication, work ethos and  drive.

The harmony between model and the client to ensure a good understanding of the client’s ethos and vision.

And arguably the most important, the connection between the client and the customer! A brand needs to speak to the consumer on an emotional level (especially on the most romantic day of the year). This means it is the job of the models to portray a relationship on camera that comes across as authentic and convincing  allowing the brand to deliver content that makes you look.

Real couple Dan and Janine

At Tyne Tees Models we have been matching models to missions since 1994 and it is our aim to deliver powerful brand messages across the North of England, Scotland and in key cities globally. To do so we have a range of individual models along with real and constructed families and couples to ensure that the relationships on screen are as convincing and impactful as possible.

Real family – The Hartley’s